Add Types: We support both Images(media) and Text Add (link) on our website.
Add Types Rates per month
1. Link add in Blogroll $5
2. 125*125 Sidebar $15
3. 468*78 Top Header beside title. $25
4. 300*250 Sidebar $35
Besides these above add we do support product reviews. We will post your product reviews on our website as article for lifetime in $50. But the reviews should be uniquely written by yourself and it should not be copied from any other source.
If you think this website does not support your add types then fell comfortable to contact us.
So if you are ready to advertise with us then contact us with your preferred add Types here:
You can talk live with us on Facebook and Skype too.
Facebook Id:
Skype Id: elxjitendra1
We are not that much lazy, we will respond you within 24 hours if you contact us.