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Tips for buying new Mobile phones

In this article I am going to write about the tips for buying new mobile phone. Many people regrets after buying their mobile phones. In this article I am going to write the most important things which you should keep in mind while buying new mobile phone. You can buy any mobile phone from low […]

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Brain-like processors created, with simultaneous data processing and storage

Folks over at the University of Exeter have demonstrated what they call the memflector-an optical equivalent of the memristor. Built using advanced semiconductor materials capable of phase change, the team has constructed a processor that can compute and store data simultaneously. This is quite unlike today’s computers, which have separate components for memory and processing, […]

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Any Character is entered through the keyboard, write a program to determine whether the character entered is capital letter, small letter, a digit or a special symbol using ASCII values and built-in functions

This is the c source code for: Any Character is entered through the keyboard, write a program to determine whether the character entered is capital letter, small letter, a digit or a special symbol using ASCII values and built-in functions The Following table shows the range of ASCII values Characters                          ASCII Values A-Z                                         65-90 a-z                                          […]

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Cracking Windows XP Login Password

First of all access to the computer on which you want to crack its passwords. After then, Go to Start menu Click on Run Now Type ‘control userpasswords2’ After then a new popup screen will appear and following that popup screen you will reach to the user accounts properties, where you will be able to […]

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World Famous Robots

1.  Asimo: Asimo is a humanoid robot created by Honda. Standing at 130 centimeters (4 feet 3 inches) and weighing 54 Kilograms (114 pounds), the robots resembles a small astronaut wearing a backpack and can walk or run on two feet at speed varying up to 6 Km/h (4.3 mph), matching EMIEW, ASIMO was created […]

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April 2024